Monday 11 June 2012

Argentinian Jewellery Haul - Todomoda

Hello beautiful beauts! I mentioned in my last post I was away, I spent a few days in Buenos Aires and picked up a few bits and bobs of course, hehe. I bought some earrings and rings, all the earrings are from the same shop including a couple of the rings (the three set one and the turquoise bronze one). The shop is called Todomoda, check out the website here. The other rings I bought at markets. Sorry, I can't remember the prices for anything but they were all very reasonable. I remember the rings I got at the markets cost about £1.50 converting the peso to the pound! The only one that was slightly more expensive was the golden one as it's gold plated but it was still super cheap.

✣  ✣  ✣

Loved Todomoda! It has a semi Accesorize feel to it and I love Accesorize, I think I can definitely say it is probably my favourite accessories shop. What is/are your favourite accessories shop/s?


  1. Lush! Will definitely be going there when I get the chance. Love the way you've done these photos, too.
    Forgot you were going to Buenos Aires, how was it? Top right ring is gorgeous, the whole lot is lovely and bargainous!

  2. Yay -finally found your GFC button, haha!

  3. Thanks, I was going to upload the pics already edited into a mosaic style but the image quality would diminish considerably. But I managed to upload them the way I wanted (next to each other), I initially thought you couldn't put photos side by side!

    Yeah, definitely drop by Todomoda when you to Argentina! They sell cosmetics too. There were a couple of other shops with an Accessorize feel to them but they were more expensive, but of course the real bargainous treats are in random places or markets!

    Argentina was great, the time was really short so we made every second count! When you go you'll be gob smacked as to how similar Buenos Aires is to London, it's uncanny! There like twins or something, no joke!

    Yay for the GFC button! hihi
